Hello everyone! Since my last post was on March 18, my dear friend Lisa asked me to explain what I have been working on all this time. I also wanted to tell you my summer blogging plans.
I'm Writing a Book!
During the past six weeks, I have stepped back from writing new posts so that I can finish my book about my spiritual journey – before, during, and after the convent. Since January 2021, I have been blogging this convent book on Monastery in My Heart, and later on my author website, www.maryrosekreger.com.
The final section of my story, however, is even more personal and in-depth. Some of the remaining chapters I only intend to publish within my book, where they can be read within their proper context, by the right audience.
Summer Blog Preview
However, there are still several delightful convent stories from my postulant year that I would like to share on Monastery in My Heart. Beginning this June, I will share a new post every two weeks. The new posts will cover the last months of my postulant year up until the Reception of the Habit - the day I became a novice. So many amazing memories and stories left to share!
Thank you so much for joining me on this beautiful writing journey. If you have any questions or concerns about this next step, please feel free to contact me here.
For an update on my book, please see my latest author post: Fruit That Will Remain.
As I finish my manuscript, please pray for me, that I will write the story God wants me to share with honesty, clarity, and courage. I am writing this book, first for myself and my own healing, and then to help others on their spiritual journeys. May each of these words bear fruit that will remain (John 15:16).
Thank you so much! Join me this June for convent summer fun! :)